For the first week of Term 3 it was so so COLD! It may not snow in Melbourne yet it certainly felt like snow weather....
To tie in with this extreme coldness I based all my lessons around SNOW... We even ate snow flake shaped cookies for afternoon tea.
Below are the art activities we did. I found the recipes for homemade Fake Snow, Snow Paint, Snow Dough and Snow Slime on the Growing a Jeweled Rose website - a great website to check out if you have young children.
Fake Snow
I used this with the preschool classes, yet my own children (aged 9&10 loved playing with the left overs, they made a snow world with Lego). I got the children to mix the baking soda and shaving cream themselves (great sensory experience). We then put some snow balls into silver trays and they added vinegar to make their snowballs fizz.....
Snow Slime
All my classes loved this. I made three batches of it for the 7 classes. I stored it in little sauce containers and added a bit of glitter on top of each one. These I stored in the fridge so it was nice and cold when they started playing with it. The after school classes made their own snowman parts out of Plasticine. The preschoolers were given some carrots already made and buttons and beads to add to theirs. We also made "melting snowflakes" by cutting out snowflake shapes with cookie cutters and watched them melt on the table.
Snow Dough
The preschoolers used this to make snow men, using materials on the table. This was also kept in the fridge to stay cold.
Snow Paint
Love this puffy paint - it stays puffy even after its dried. I will be using this again in other projects for sure! The preschool class used this to paint a snowman and then added beads and buttons to him.
Snowmen at Night Drawings
The after school classes did Snowmen at Night drawings using chalk pastels on black paper. I used the directions on The Teacher Life blog. These turned out great. I'm so impressed that nearly all the children got the concept of the shading and shadow, even the ones in Prep.
Paper Snowflakes
Early finishers made paper snowflakes out of doilies. It always so much fun cutting these and then opening them up to see what pattern you made.
Enjoy the snow if you go, otherwise keep warm!